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Dear Renee,


I just wanted to send you an email to express my appreciation and deep gratitude for the experience you have allowed me to have over the past few weeks. I was unable to verbalize to you in person (without ugly crying) the impact that you, your mission and your teachings had on me. I don’t even think that I will be able to convey how I truly feel in words but I wanted to ensure that I was in some way able to give you some insight.


The guidance that you provided during the self-work parts of our in person classes was unexpected but absolutely invaluable and it is the biggest thing I have taken with me from this experience so far. I feel as though I have "leveled up" in my spiritual journey and have found peace and understanding with a lot of things that I have previously struggled with. To put it simply, you have literally changed my life.


Your passion and drive has stoked the already lit fire in my belly to make a a positive impact doing what I believe is my calling in life. I am sure my enthusiasm will continue to grow, as I am finding myself already having so many "light bulb" moments of understanding and enlightenment during my online study. 


You can add my name to the list of hundreds of people whose lives you've touched. The things you have achieved across so many different fields is so inspirational and I consider myself so incredibly blessed to have spent time learning from you. I would also like to add how much I valued being able to learn from Colleen and Erika. I am so proud to be a student of the Australian Doula College and would love to be involved with the College in any capacity if an opportunity arises. 


I will be sure to keep in touch. I am already planning to attend the retreat next year and further my studies with the College in the future.


Kind Regards,


Annie Lukins Stauber 

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